The Secret Language of Colour Cards - Inna Segal
Tarot for Teens (Book) - MJ Abadie
Quick and Easy Tarot Deck - Ellen Lytle
Color your Life with Crystals (Book) - Margaret Ann Lembo
The Angels and Gemstone Guardians Cards - Margaret Ann Lembo
Chakra Insight Oracle Card Deck- Caryn Sangster
Ask and Angel Oracle Card Deck - Mellado, Carisa and Salerno, Toni Carmine
The Tarot Bible - Sarah Bartlett
The Crystal Bible 3 - Judy Hall
The Chakra Bible - Patricia Mercier
Essential Oils in the Spiritual Practice - Candice Covington
Book of Crystal Spells - Grant Ember
Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards - Sonia Choquette
The Psychic Tarot for the Heart Oracle Card Deck - John Holland