How to Cleanse your Crystals
Your Crystals may have travelled a long way to get to you and to experience the unique benefits of each of your crystals, it is important to clear and cleanse them. Doing this intuitively on a regular basis will clear any unwanted positive or negative energy that may be within a crystal from your previous use or handling.
Clearing crystals maintains the healing qualities and allows the crystals to return to their natural state so that they continue to work for your desired purpose.

How to Cleanse your Crystals
There are many different methods to clear and cleanse your crystals and you need to choose the best method that works for you.
Full Moon: We find that cleansing your crystals is best in the full moon. Every full moon our mum would take all the crystals outside onto the balcony so they could be cleared and re-energised. Even if you don’t have a backyard or balcony just place your crystals on the windowsill overnight to allow them to absorb all the natural energies. Be sure to bring your crystals inside in the morning as long periods of sunlight can fade your crystals (especially amethyst).
Smudging: Smudge sticks such as white Sage,Thyme and or Lavender as well as incense are a great way to cleanse your Crystals. Hold your Crystals over the burning smudge stick and let the smoke run over them for a short period of time. Be careful of the hot embers and make sure you extinguish your smudge stick completely. Keep the window open to let the energy drift out of your home.
Salt Cleansing: You will need salt and a bowl or dish. Either create a bed of course sea salt and allow the stones to rest on the salt overnight or dissolve a heaped tablespoon of salt in some mineral water and also allow the stones to soak overnight.
Elemental cleansing: you will need a dish of soil, a burning candle, burning incense and a dish of water. Dip the stone into the water, then pass it quickly through the candle’s flame. Next, pass the stone through the smoke of the incense and finally place it on the soil As you perform each step visualise the element removing unwanted energy from the stone. For examples: Fire burns, water washes, air blows and earth absorbs.
Other Crystals: Crystal Clusters work great for cleansing other crystals by placing the stones on top of them for a few days to clear any negative energies. Clear Quartz clusters or Amethyst Geodes work well for this, or even better put your crystals on a Crystal Cluster in the moonlight!
The Earth: Burying your Crystals in the earth or a plant cleanses and clears their energy through earth vibrations. Leave the crystals buried in the earth for a day or two to clear any negative energies and re-energise them. Crystals love returning home to the earth. you will need either a container of soil or space where you can bury your stones. Allow remaining covered for 24-48 hours after which the stones will need to be rinsed and dried
Music and Sounds: You will need a gong or singing bowl or you can just use your own voice. As the vibration of the sound reaches your stone visualise all negative energy being cleared and carried away leaving the stone pure and refreshed.
Visualisation: If you are not at home or unable to use your usual cleansing method, visualisation is a great cleansing technique. Hold the Crystal in your hand and visualise white light washing over the stone and imagine all the negativity being washed away.
Water: Make sure the water is flowing when using this method. Visualise the crystal letting go of the previous energy and it being washed away. Stagnant water will keep the energy there, flowing washes the energy away. If you are close to the ocean or a stream allow the water to move over your crystals, otherwise under the tap could always be used, so long as your crystals are not kept in a bucket or bowl.